Improvement of electrical properties via glucose oxidase-immobilization by actively turning over glu
2013-03-21 13:44:17
文件类型 : PDF
文件提取码 : 应用:燃料电池测试
简要说明 : WPG100恒电位仪/恒电流仪

Abstract : One of the major areas of study associated with enzyme fuel cells (EFCs) has been identification of redox enzymes with high electron transfer rates that lead to a high power output. The effects of a method of enzyme immobilization by actively turning over glucose on the electrical properties of a fuel cell were evaluated under ambient conditions in attempt to increase the power of an EFC modified with DNAwrapped single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). The anode cyclic voltammetry (CV cycle) electrical properties increased as a result of glucose oxidase (GOD) immobilization by actively turning over glucose. Furthermore, an EFC that employed DNA-wrapped SWNTs and GOD immobilization in conjunction with protection of the active site increased the stability of the cell, which enabled maintenance of a high level of power production (ca. 730