Mn Based Olivine Electrode Material with High Power and Energy
2013-03-21 11:43:31
文件类型 : PDF
文件提取码 : 应用:电池测试
简要说明 : WBCS3000多通道自动电池测试系统

Experimental Section Synthesis process LiMnPO4, LiFe0.1Mn0.9PO4, and Li(FeCo)0.05Mn0.9PO4 samples were prepared through the sol-gel synthesis. A stoichiometric amount of Li(CH3COO)쨌2H2O, Mn(CH3COO)2, Fe(CH3COO)2, Co(CH3COO)2쨌4H2O, and NH4H2PO4 precursors were dissolved in a container containing deionized(DI) water with glycolic acid and HNO3 in order to perfectly create the sol state. This solution was heated to 70oC for making the dried gel state. Next, this precursor was fired at 350oC under Ar condition for 3hours. The mixture was then re-ground and manually pelletized using a disk-shaped mold. After pre-heating, we calcined the pellet at 520oC under Ar condition for 3hours.......