Studies of the Passivation Film as a Function of the Concentration of Electrolyte in Lithium-ion Bat
2013-03-21 14:43:40
文件类型 : PDF
文件提取码 : 应用:电池测试
简要说明 : WBCS3000多通道自动电池测试系统

The irreversible capacities caused by the reduction of solvent on the surface of a negative electrode (KMFC: Kawasaki Mesophase Fine Carbon) were examined during the initial cycle in ethylene carbonate (EC)-diethyl carbonate (DEC) electrolyte solutions at various concentrations of LiPF6. Chronopotentiograms, linear sweep voltammograms, and impedance spectra clearly showed differences in irreversible capacity and that those differences are related to the concentration of electrolyte during the initial charge. These differences were caused by the amount of solvent decomposition as a function of the concentration of LiPF6 electrolytic salt. The data are discussed with reference to the concentration of electrolytic salt and the properties of passivation film formed by solvent decomposition.


Keywords : Passivation film, Lithium ion battery.